Freda (&) Rumaisa

Meet our match, Freda and Rumaisa!

We matched these two lovely ladies quite some time ago, but here they are, still together at Lead(h)er’s 3rd birthday celebration. Shortly after the event, Freda wrote to us to share what her mentoring relationship with Ru had meant to her over the years.

This is what she wrote:

“Rumaisa and I were matched 2.5 years ago- right as my partner and I decided to start trying to get pregnant. She became a source of support through my pregnancy and the transition into being a new mom with a practice juggling priorities, desires, and all the guilt that goes along with making mistakes as I figured out this new life. Now that I feel more rooted and secure caring for a little human as well as a business, she is an example of courage, vulnerability, and growth. All the things I aspire to be as I work with patients, create content, and embrace my purpose and role on this Earth.

Lead(h)er not only connected me with Rumaisa, but it's connected me with a whole tribe of women striving for meaning, courage, and honesty both professionally and personally. Watching these women be brave, be resilient, and claim their worth gives me both permission and a model to do the same.

Mentoring matters.

My life is fuller because of Lead(h)er.”

What a story! Thank you, Freda, for sharing with us! We totally agree, by the way - mentoring is not only a way to find forward momentum in your career, but can also be enormously beneficial when it comes to balancing the personal and the professional. We are so happy to hear that your mentoring relationship with Ru has been brought so much good to your life! Keep up the great work, ladies!

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