Get the most out of your match and have all your Lead(h)er resources in one place with the Strike a Match roadmap.
Tips for the first meeting
Rena Gainey, local leadership and corporate training expert, gives Matches the following advice:
1) Prepare for the conversation by thinking about your skills and abilities. “Differences fall away when you listen and realize someone’s story and understand their ambitions.”
2) Learn about your mentee/mentor and gauge their mindset. What phase of life are they in and how can you relate?
3) Share openly and be an active listener. “You should strive to share 15% more and listen 15% more.”
4) Reflect on how they can be an ally in your development. “Trust and respect are reciprocal, how do you create trust?”
5) Define accountability. Consider completing the Strike a Match agreement during your first meeting.
Resources and articles
Three things that matter in all match relationships.
Check out what Forbes has to say about being a mentee and what they say about being a mentor.
What are the skills of a mentee?
Michelle Obama on work-life balance and mentorship
Tips for the Inspiring Failure
Fun strategies and activities such as icebreakers to engage with your team virtually:
16 Virtual Team Building Activities
Having a well defined and executed personal brand can open doors to professional opportunities:
The Complete Guide to Building Your Personal Brand
Our networks are only as big as the people we keep closest. Check out some tips on how to grow your network:
How Healthy is Your Network?